Incopan SW
incofil trento slide
barriere slide
paramassi 150 slide

Incopan SW

Wire diamond mesh panels, designed to weave the rope warping closed at intersections by joining in twine with special hydraulic equipment. The panel can be surrounded by a wire rope tied to the four corners of the ropes by warping section aluminum sleeves open, closed under pressure with special hydraulic equipment.


The panels in rope with knots in wire, are used in the interventions of active and passive stabilization and consolidation of slopes.

Active interventions

  • enhancements with cortical installation grip along rocky slopes in simple or reinforced lattice of ropes;
  • bandage or sling elements rocky disjointed or isolated;
  • interventions nailing deep soil type soil-nail.

Passive interventions

  • networks curtain to contain blocks of rock or ice;
  • screen-off in rockfall barriers elastic deformable.


Standard size panels: minimum 3,0 x3, 0 m maximum 6.0 x4, 0 m
Mesh grid: type diamond minimum 150x150 mm 400x400 mm maximum


Rope warping: according to EN12385-4 type AM +6 x7 wire diameter AE6 - Æ10 mm minimum grade 1770 N/mm2
Node in thread: mod. SW tested strength "25 kN
Rope perimeter: according to EN12385-4 type wire diameter Æ10 AM +6 x19 - Æ16 mm minimum grade 1770 N/mm2


Strand ropes: zinc coating in accordance with EN 10264-2 Class B
Wire: zinc coating in accordance with EN 10224.


Dimensions: on request it is possible to produce panels with size, shape and personalized jersey;
Protection: an alternative to the standard treatment of zinc protection is possible with galvanized finish with eutectic alloy of Zinc-Aluminum (5%) Cerium and lanthanum;
Finish: treatment options after corrosion coating;
Multilayer: a request is possible to realize a composite panel for double or triple layer, made stitching to the panel in a sheet rope of yarn mesh and a geotextile or a biomat;
Specific use: production of panels in rope AM +6 x7 wire stainless steel AISI 316 with knots in wire model mod. SW.

Information request

Wire diamond mesh panels, designed to weave the rope warping closed at intersections by joining in twine with special hydraulic equipment. The panel can be surrounded by a wire rope tied to the four corners of the ropes by warping section aluminum sleeves open, closed under pressure with special hydraulic equipment.

RTEmagicC swswl