Steel Nets
Natural or artificial slope stability
The stability of natural or artificial slopes is related to the balance of forces affecting the mass of soil (or rock), these forces are usually divided into stabilizers (ie working in favor of the stability of the ground) and destabilizers (which are against stability).
The stability of these forces, and therefore the balance of the side natural or artificial, is closely related to certain parameters such geotechnical parameters.
Consolidation networks with a double twist armed with wire netting
- Top wall supporting cable
- Diamond mesh reinforcing lattice
- Double twist net towels
- Foot containment rope
The main geotechnical parameters to be introduced in a verification of slope stability are the cohesion and angle of internal friction; these values identify from a point of view geomechanical the soil, as well as fingerprints identify humans.
At the time when the destabilizing forces within the cluster of land precedence over those stabilizers, rupture occurs along planar surfaces, said sliding planes. The soil is put in motion to reach a new position of equilibrium, giving rise to instabilities.
Double twisted galvanized nets
Without going into detail of the types of landslides classified into bibliography, we illustrate how to size appropriate solutions with double twisted galvanized net technology. The double twisted galvanized net can remedy most of the phenomena of detachment of rocks. It should be taken into account that the network is a defense galvanized system or deviation of the boulders, rarely containment or retention of large volumes of rock in motion; to cope with these problems are more onerous demands technical solutions, such as the combined solutions of metal nets with concrete walls or tirantati.
Nets attached to the side and anchored in the head
- Tractive effort that generates the extraction of armor or foundation;
- Safety coefficient that complies with the standards in force (Ks);
- Limit load of the network (from the stress and strain diagrams);
- Yield strength of reinforcement anchorage.