Mod. NFL_4/A • 1500 kJ
paramassi 150 slide
barriere slide
incofil trento slide

Mod. NFL_4/A • 1500 kJ

NFL_4/A is a flexible rockfall barrier produced under UNI-EN-ISO9001: 2015, suitable for protection against rockfall with impact energies up to 1500 kJ. Due to its many advantages, the NFL_4/A barrier is used as passive protection to safeguard residential areas, roadways or railways.


The NFL_4/A - 1500 kJ rockfall barrier has unique features that allow it to be optimally used to counteract rockfalls.

NFL_4/A has been subjected to rigorous vertical launch tests in an equipped test area, up to a maximum impact energy of 1620 kJ. The service energy is greater than 650 kJ, making the NFL_4/A a barrier with service energy level close to a higher class, with considerable savings in terms of maintenance. Beyond that, the NFL_4/A barrier has been tested with several unconventional throws, with good results and no damages.

Due to its simple design, NFL_4/A can be installed in any condition with easy and fast operations: during construction, few components have to be assembled, easily distinguishable.

In presence of loose soils and areas of difficult access, a special self-supporting plate is available: this plate does not require the classic foundation plinth.




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